The six-month milestone

We’ve done it – Tabitha has reached half a year old and what a six months it’s been! In her very short life we’ve moved home, made lots of new mum friends, been to various mother & baby groups and survived the hottest summer in years. Tabitha has gone from a tiny newborn who does very little, to a small person with bucketloads of energy and a great personality, and to celebrate we’ve bought her her first pair of Ugg boots!

Tabitha’s current favourite things include Huey her comforter bear, her dum-dum, Sophie the Giraffe, her disco ball, watching the tv (or any screen for that matter), giggling at silly noises, and her bed-time book (called What a Busy Baby).

She loves nothing more than rolling over onto her tummy, and will spend ages playing with all her toys in that position. She’s not quite crawling yet, but she can get herself around the floor by dragging herself on her tummy, so I can’t leave the room for very long anymore! She can push up on all fours but can’t quite muster the energy to move forward, so she slumps back down and resumes her tried-and-tested belly shuffle! There’s always a lot of huffing and puffing, and I don’t know how she keeps going sometimes, but she does! She heads straight for everything she shouldn’t too – our floor plants being a good example – we’re going to have to do some serious baby-proofing very soon! Tabitha’s so much more mobile than all the other babies we know her age, but yet she’s totally not bothered about sitting up for very long.

She has also started to make some very cute ‘aaah’ noises, which do quickly turn into a squawk if there’s something she’s not happy about!

The other big news this week is that I can feel Tabitha’s first tooth pushing through her bottom gum. I really hope this explains all the sleepless nights we’ve been having recently, as it has been horrendous. Sometimes she’ll wake-up 4 or 5 times in a night and this has been going on for over a month now. It’s no longer a case of just putting her dummy back in either, she often has to be fed some milk now before she’ll settle back down and there’s a lot of loud crying until she gets it. Our poor neighbours. The only consolation is that a lot of other mums that I speak to are going through the same thing, where their baby slept through the night for a while, but have now completely regressed. She is also staying awake a lot longer during the day now too.

I was hoping that the introduction of solids would help with the sleeping through, but this so-far only seems to have made things worse. The first stage of weaning is going well though, and Tabitha has so far munched her way through the various fruits and veg that I’ve offered her. I’m giving her a small amount of food three times a day now and I can’t believe how many dirty nappies she’s producing! Her digestive system is definitley working overtime! Her milk feeds are a bit all over the place though so I really need to work out a new routine for those. She’s definitely consuming less milk at the moment, but still feeding as regularly as before, well even more so now with the cheeky night feeds!

So, it’s on to the second half of Tabitha’s first year. I’m looking forward to seeing what she gets up to next!