Well this is weird

I haven’t been updating this blog as frequently now the girls are both at school. Since September we have all been ticking along nicely in our daily routines, with nothing of major note to report.

However, due to a certain pandemic sweeping the globe, that is all about to change. Boris Johnson has announced that, for the first time in history, all UK schools will close until further notice. The rumour is that this will be until September, so from 3.30pm today we are staring down the barrel of potentially 24 weeks until normality is resumed. The school have already sent home-learning packs, so as of Monday I will be attempting to homeschool. How that goes only time will tell. Our planned trip to Paris for Tabitha’s birthday and any hopes for a big birthday party for her, are out the window, much to her dismay.

I am feeling so many emotions right now: sadness, fear, anxiety, frustration, disappointment… But I’m also feeling very grateful. Grateful that, for my family, this pandemic doesn’t bring with it financial worries; grateful that we all have our health with no underlying conditions to worry about; grateful that we have each other and are not facing isolation alone (as so many are). This is going to be a difficult and testing time for us, but we will take it one day at a time and eventually we’ll come out the other side. And when we do, I think everyone will have a new found appreciation for the little things in life. The things that we take for granted that have suddenly been snatched away from us.