Polly’s started school!

Polly is now on her fourth day of big school, and is so far loving it! There have been no tears, no wobbles, no complaints, and she goes in happily each day (she even asked to go on Saturday!). I’m in no doubt that part of it is because she’s seen Tabitha go there for the past two years, and she knows that Tabitha’s there with her each day, but also she is surrounded by familiar faces and is obviously more than ready for this new era. Hopefully the positiveness will continue.

I am now getting used to having more free time than I’ve had for a very long time. I won’t lie, it does feel strange, but nice too! So far I’ve mainly been tidying the house and exercising. My picture book course starts this week, so I intend to get a lot of writing done. I’m also class rep for Tabitha’s class and will no doubt be doing a lot of volunteering for the school over the course of the year.