Back to normal once again

And there it is – that sinking feeling of back-to-reality that I thought only came with having a boring full-time job. Turns out it happens when you’re a full-time mum too. Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had Tabitha’s 1st birthday, with loads of family around, swiftly followed by the four-day Easter weekend. It’s all been lovely, but it’s hard to return to normality without feeling a tad forlorn. Back to endless washing up, wiping up, putting washing on, messy meals, messy nappies, and just the general mayhem that a one-year-old creates (pulling the speakers apart and throwing all the CDs on the floor is a current fave)! But… It’s not all bad as there are two more bank holidays coming up in May, as well as our second wedding anniversary, and then in June we have a family trip to the zoo and then a nine-night holiday to Montenegro. Yes, that’s right, we’ve booked our first holiday abroad with a baby, which I am very excited about but also a little nervous! I must make sure I leave all my stresses and worries at the airport though as I want us to have a chilled-out break.

Also to report is that Tabitha’s been taking a few unaided steps! It happened first on April 4th, so a couple of weeks ago now. She hasn’t really progressed since then, but it is happening more and more and she’s slowly gaining confidence on her feet. I don’t think it’ll be too much longer before we have a proper walker. She’s completely stopped babbling at the moment though – whereas a few weeks ago it was ‘mamamama’ this or ‘budbudbudbud’ that. I guess she’s concentrating all her efforts on moving at the moment!