Polly at 3-months

Polly has now hit three months old – a quarter of a year! The ‘fourth trimester’ / newborn stage is sadly over and it’s now a whole year ago that she was conceived. 

On Friday just gone Polly did her first ever laugh out loud. I’ve been trying to get a giggle out of her for weeks and typically it was Tabitha waving her Upsy Daisy wand about that got the laugh. Polly adores her sister – she happily sits in her bouncer chair and watches Tabitha playing.

I think we’ve finally cracked bedtime with Polly now and she is always asleep for the night at about 7pm – she usually wakes once for a feed about 3am. As I reported previously, she has slept through a few times, but I think that’s more of a rarity than the norm. We’ve now got her a cot which is set up in the corner of our bedroom. She’s still sleeping in her basket at the moment though and will do for a few more weeks until we’ve been up to Stoke. During the day she’s in quite a nice 3-hourly ‘eat, awake, sleep’ routine which is working quite well for us, although it does somewhat dictate when we can leave the flat. It’s not as easy to get to things on time anymore and I feel like we’re at home a lot at the moment, which is also partly down to Tabitha’s new love of staying in.

Polly is a very smiley baby and especially loves having little kisses on her face and being gently lifted up and down. This weekend she had her first go in the door bouncer!


I’ll be interested to find out how much she weighs and what percentile she’s in at her weigh-in on Thursday. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s dropped down a bit as she still only has about 4-5oz of milk at a time. She’s also a very sicky baby and is regularly puking over herself or me!