Four months old (tomorrow)

My little baby is not so little anymore – in fact at her last weigh-in a week ago, she weighed 16lb 12oz which has sent her soaring into the 91st centile! She’s a chunky monkey that’s for sure! At four months old, Tabitha is very-nearly-but-not-quite rolling over yet and enjoying pushing up more on her arms during tummy time. She now sleeps in her new cot in her newly-carpeted bedroom, after having spent 16 weeks in her Moses basket. She sleeps well – occasionally going 12 hours, through until almost 7am, without a peep – although more often than not I have to do at least a couple of dummy re-insertions during the night. I am hoping she will grow out of this soon when she learns to settle herself back to sleep without crying out. This past week she’s been being sick a lot more than she’s ever been. As a newborn baby, Tabitha was barely sick at all, but at the moment it seems to be gushing out daily and it’s mostly all down me or Tom! Feeding is quite hard work at the moment too, as she gets so easily distracted and wriggles all over the place – which probably explains the vomiting??


Tabitha looks tiny in her big cot!

Tabitha looks tiny in her big cot!


Tabitha is mostly a very contented baby, although of course she does have her moments. I certainly know when she’s not impressed about something that’s for sure! She’s at her happiest when we’re on on own – when there are a lot of other people about she sometimes seems to get a bit overwhelmed, but I do try to keep us fairly busy. As well as our regular weekly meet-up with the Mortlake mums, I’ve recently been to a couple of ‘Bumps & Babies’ events in Richmond with Magda and Mackenzie, and today we’ve been to ‘Hart Beeps’ in Kew, which is a baby sensory class. Tabitha seemed to quite enjoy it!


Tabitha enjoying the disco ball at Hart Beeps

Tabitha enjoying the disco ball at Hart Beeps


Now she’s hit the four-month milestone, it won’t be long before Tabitha starts trying her first proper foods, which will be an exciting journey for both of us. But, I’m sure the dreaded teething is fairly imminent too, which is not quite as exciting.