The girls at 33 months and 7 months

The past four weeks have been taken up with Christmas and new year celebrations, with visits to both Clacton and Stoke. Both girls have had colds over Christmas and as we started the new year both me and Tom came down with it too. This, combined with Polly’s overnight shenanigans, made the first week of 2016 rather difficult. However, it’s good to be back to normal again and this weekend just gone we took the girls swimming which was lovely. Tabitha was a tiny bit apprehensive initially but she soon overcame that and loved every minute. Polly had a huge smile on her face and enjoyed splashing and kicking in the water.


  • Tabitha is now two-and-three-quarters! Her third birthday is just three months away.
  • I’ve noticed that she no longer refers to herself in the third person but rather calls herself ‘me’.
  • Since the new year Tabitha’s managed several wees and even a poo on the potty. It’s amazing what the incentive of a white chocolate button can do! I’ve not attempted her without a nappy for any length of time yet, but at least it’s a baby-step in the right direction. 
  • ‘I might fall down’ is a phrase I’m hearing a lot at the moment, which is Tabitha’s pre-warning of displeasure at not getting her own way. 
  • ‘My poor back is hurting’ is another thing she says all the time, to the extent that I took her along to the doctors just before Christmas to see if anything was wrong. However, I think it’s just another thing she automatically says when things are not going how she wants them to.
  • Often when we ask Tabitha to do something or fetch something, she’ll pick up the nearest thing to her and say ‘I can’t my hands are full’.
  • Unfortunately Tabitha’s going through a (hopefully short) phase of hitting (usually Polly on the head either with her hand or a toy), which we repeatedly tell her she mustn’t do. She’s also forever snatching toys out of Polly’s hands which drives me round the bend.
  • Buddy’s not excluded from Tabitha’s brutishness either – she’s constantly bashing Buddy’s cage, closing her doors and terrorising her with big toys. Thankfully Buddy seems to take it all in her stride. Tabitha’s pretty obsessed at the moment.
  • Over the past month it hasn’t been out of the ordinary for Tabitha to have a nap in the day (I think because we’ve been so busy). And her sleeping overnight is amazing now. It’s very rare that she wakes up in the night and sleeps in until about 8am at the moment. 


    P O L L Y (Poll-Poll-a-ding-dong)

    • Polly’s sleeping has taken a turn for the worst in the past few weeks, leaving me and Tom constantly exhausted. I don’t know if teething or a change of setting triggered it, but while we were up north Polly would spend hours at a time awake overnight. Since being back she has improved slightly but now always wakes for at least a couple of feeds (the first around 11ish, the second around 3ish) and often won’t settle straight back down after the second feed. I used to be able to settle her a lot more with the dummy, rather than have to do a feed, but that no longer seems to work either.
    • I feel happier now that I’ve got Polly onto three meals a day and batch-cooked her some meals for the freezer (although now it’s a constant stream of milk feeds and solids throughout the day). She’s currently enjoying Annabel Karmel’s lovely lentils, salmon and sweet potato, and Mediterranean medley as well as porridge, weetabix, yoghurt and banana, yogurt and avocado etc. She now uses the highchair and Tabitha sits in her new Oxo tot booster seat.
    • Polly now sits up very well unaided. She is still yet to crawl but can turn herself around 360 degrees on her tummy.
    • She’s forever babbling dadadadadadada – especially in the middle of the night when she’s meant to be sleeping.
    • She currently has two naps a day (both in the pram) and goes at least 3 hours between sleeps, if not longer.



      This week’s news

      As usual, this week Tabitha has been amazing me with her capabilities. We have two rather annoying stairs in our corridor, and for a while Tabitha has been able to climb up them, but has struggled to get down them. This week she has mastered it. She crawls right up to the edge, pauses, then slowly shuffles herself around and edges herself backwards. She is so pleased with herself!

      She has also become slightly obsessed with opening and closing doors this week, so I’m having to keep a close eye on little fingers and toes. She also was excited beyond belief to escape out onto the communal landing when we had plumbers in and out yesterday – she was most distraught when we had to restrain her!

      So what else has been happening? Well, we now have a teeth-grinding baby! Yes, Tabitha has discovered that she can rub her top teeth and bottom teeth together to create a really irksome sound. I had a quick look online and apparently it’s very common at this age and nothing to worry about.

      Tabitha is also becoming a bit more fussy with her food. I spent ages cooking her a lamb casserole dish this week, only for her to screw up her face and dramatically spit it all out. I persisted with a few more spoonfuls, but none of it was consumed and she ended up crying. Charming! Then, a couple of days later the same happened with a chicken puree I made – I think it was the addition of brocolli – and pasta is a definite no-no too. I’m just going to stick with the Annabel Karmel recipes I know she likes from now on – she devours lovely lentils, butternut squash risotto, shepherds pie, salmon & sweet potato, to name but a few. Other finger-food favourites are cherry tomatoes (insides only), seeded bread, orange segments, breadsticks, blueberries, avocado, banana and – the big winner – cheese on toast,  so there’s plenty of stuff she will eat.

      In other news, Buddy now has to spend her days up on the big table after we had a cage-tastrophe a week-or-so ago. Tabitha absolutely adores her feathered friend, but poor Bud-Bud was not impressed when her home crashed to the floor.

      Oh, and lastly, Tabitha’s crazy father now has blue hair!



      28 weeks later

      Well, after my last post, I spent the whole of the next day trying to get Tabitha to sleep in her cot, but with no success. All I ended up with was a sobbing baby and a stressed out mama. So, we’re back to daytime naps in the pram. It’s easier and, more importantly, it’s calmer. It’s bad enough hearing Tabitha crying her heart out during the night, let alone adding the daytime into the mix too. Plus, as you can see, she does adore it in her pram!


      With regards to her nighttime sleep, although it hasn’t exactly got any better, I’m pleased that on some occasions she now eventually gets herself back to sleep without me being there. That said, a couple of nights last week she ended up in her pram for a couple of hours, after she’d gotten herself into such a state that was the only way we could calm her down. And, on Saturday night, the only way she’d settle was laying on my chest, so I had to cave and have her in with us for the majority of the night. So, in conclusion, very little has improved, but I am just hoping that something will eventually just click into place.

      Weaning is going well, and I’ve been filling the freezer with culinary delights courtesy of Annabel Karmel’s baby recipes. Every small dish, container and icecube tray we own is now in use; I think I got a bit carried away! We’re in a bit more of a milk/food routine now, which goes roughly like this:

      7am: 6oz bottle
      8am: breakfast (usually toast or porridge)
      9am: nap (40 mins)
      10.30am: 6oz bottle
      11.45am lunch (sometimes this comes after her nap, depending how tired she is)
      12 noon: nap (40 mins)
      2.30pm: 6oz bottle
      3pm: nap (30-40 mins)
      4.45pm: dinner
      5.45pm: bath
      6pm: 7oz bottle (sometimes she has a couple of oz of this before her bath)
      6.30pm: bed

      It’s a loose routine; I don’t stick to it rigidly, but it’s usually pretty close to that. The clocks went back last weekend. I thought it would take a while to adjust Tabitha to the new times, but she seems to have adapted straight away, which is great.

      We’re off to Biddulph at the weekend for Ishya’s 1st birthday. I hope Tabitha sleeps – it’ll be her first time in a travel cot, so it could be disastrous or she may love it (fingers crossed for the latter!).

      We’re having our living room windows fixed today, so Tabitha and I are hanging out in her bedroom for once, trying to keep warm!
