Tabitha and Huey

Ever since Tabitha was born, her comforter bear (we’ve named him Huey) has never been far from her side. Her attachment to him has grown and grown and has become particularly strong recently. He now has to come with us everywhere we go and I’m starting to get worried we’ll lose him (we have already had a close call at Christmas when he got dropped in The Range in Clacton and Tom had to go back a few hours later to retrieve him from lost property). When we’re out I am constantly on ‘Huey watch’ to make sure he doesn’t escape from the pushchair. Not that I think Tabitha would let him go, she’s generally got him firmly in her grasp. Her love for him is so cute – he gets strapped into her highchair, pushed around in her toy buggy, gets to kiss the teddy in her book goodnight and has his teeth brushed.