A year of Covid

I’m so bored of writing about Coronavirus now, however it is still very much part of our lives a year on.

Fortunately, Tabitha and Polly have been going to school this term (because Tom is classed as a critical worker and our Internet can’t handle three live calls simultaneously). However for most children, they have been homeschooling since the start of the year. Thankfully it has now been announced that pupils will return to class from the 8th March (which will be a shock to the system for T&P as they have been used to a class size of just a few kids for two months!).

This lockdown has been particularly gruelling as the weather has been bitterly cold, there’s been nothing to do and nowhere to go. A flurry of snow in January has been about the most exciting thing to happen so far this year! We didn’t even get to see anyone at Christmas in the end as London had already gone into partial lockdown by then.

I also feel quite down about my writing at the moment. I really hoped that I’d have secured an agent by now and be on the next step to publication. But nothing is happening there; noone ever replies, and I feel like I’m constantly waiting… And waiting some more. With the odd rejection thrown in for good measure. I haven’t written anything new for a while now, but am determined to stick with it.

But… Spring is on its way. Warmer weather is coming; Flowers are popping up, and hopefully better, brighter days are nearly here, with less restrictions, and more and more things reopening. The vaccination rollout is going well, so fingers crossed this will be it for lockdown life. It’s been a long winter, but hope is on the horizon.

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